Lendo o livro Dr Atkins' New Diet Revolution deparei-me com algo que teve o seu quê de assustador... O Dr. Atkins divide as pessoas com excesso de peso para as quais a dieta de Atkins deverá ser eficaz em 3 grupos (A, B e C - Talvez volte a pegar no assunto noutro post...), definindo-os com base nos "sentimentos" da pessoa em relação à comida ou à sua capacidade de seguir uma dieta e o que sente quando o faz... Um dos grupos está definido da seguinte forma:
«Group B: "I Crave Food Always!"
• Do you have an inexplicable obsession with food?
• Do you have a habit of eating late at night after dinner?
• Do you have a tendency to binge?
• Do you constantly crave sweets, pasta, bread and other high-carbohydrate foods?
• Do you nibble all day long when food is available?
• Do you have a strong desire to eat again within two hours of eating a filling meal?
• Do you consider yourself a compulsive eater?
• Have you ever said, "I only wish I could control my eating behavior"?
• Do you wish you had more control over how much food you eat?
• Do you have specific symptoms of ill health, such as the ones I'm about to list, that diminish or vanish as soon as you eat? Do you suffer from:
inexplicable drops in your energy level throughout the day?
often overwhelming bouts of fatigue, especially in the afternoon?
mood swings?
difficulty concentrating?
sleep difficulties-whether the need for lots of sleep or a habit of waking from a sound sleep?
anxiety, sadness and depression for which there's no obvious explanation?
dizziness, trembling or palpitations?
brain fog and loss of mental acuity?»
fonte: Dr Atkins' New Diet Revolution
A parte assustadora foi ter respondido SIM a TODAS as questões levantadas............ E ter-me também apercebido de que estas questões existem.... E já agora, numa nota mais positiva, que se me encaixo num grupo assim tão explicitamente definido, não devo ser anormal!
Back to reading....
PS - «If most of your "yes" responses were to Group B questions, you probably have some form of glucose intolerance. You may suffer from hypoglycemia-more accurately called unstable blood sugar, or, in some cases, pre-diabetes.» in Dr Atkins' New Diet Revolution - Não gosto.......
PPS - «• Excess weight around your waist is often the first sign that your body is not metabolizing sugar properly.» - Cada vez mais lá....
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